1. Sindi Septiani F1032161004
2. Eka Wulandari F1032161007
3. Gani Widansyah F1032161023
1. We choose Economics Education at FKIP UNTAN because ...
2. We would like to work a company / teach economic disciplines at University / operate our own business because ...
3. We think,we have / don't have entrepreneurial flair. In our opinion, a successful businessman should have ...
1. It is one the departements we want since registering in college.
Knowledge about the economy that we get through the lecture at FKIP
UNTAN in except could be the skills and preparation before going
directly into the world of work. In addition, the knowledge in we get
can be taught to the people so that the knowledge can be benefit.
2. We will choose to work for a company first because we need the
experience and capital before running our own business if we ready to be
an enterpreneur we'll decide to stop working on the company so we can
focus on running the business.
3. have is the talent and the will, must first have confidence in
yourself because being entrepreneur challenge and risk for developing.
The spirit and feeling of love towards what we do is an important factor
for the business that we run to be succeful,someone who has a sense of
fun to what we do will have high spirits and has the right vision for
the future.
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