my name is eka wulandari. I come from pontianak. I was born in pontianak, on augst 18th, 1998. my family and I live at JL. Parit Pangeran, siantan, Pontianak. my hobby is singing and shopping. I really love music. even I have a dream to be a famous and great singer.
Going to the new campus that we don't know anything about it makes us so confuse. we have to be accompanied by a friend to ensure that we will get the right information about everything that we need and to be more creative by asking someone who knows the information of the campus. it happened to me when I was a new student of University. at the first time going to Tanjungpura University I called sindi septiani,my cousin who studied at the FKIP to help me in registration as the Economic Education of a new student in Tanjungpura University and she wanteds to help me to do it.
and now I wan't to tell way I continue my study to university level, because I want to propagation of science after pass from high school and I want to realize my desire since the first and want to obey both my parents. for that reason I went to college. quite a few introductions my self. Thank you
Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb
Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb
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